
Cool T-Shirt?! Cool Band?!?! Charity?!?!?!

I've tried several times over the last, oh I don't know, maybe two and a half years to buy "creative" or "humorous" t-shirts at various points. I'm not talking about shirts like "I only drink on days that end in 'y'" or "I'm with stupid ->." I'm talking about your standard collegiate fair, Threadless, until that wasn't cool anymore, then designbyhumans, until I realized that I don't really wear the shirts much after I buy them. I am, however, a proponent of band shirts. I've purchased quite a few, most of which I don't wear because they've been inked by said band and I haven't figured out how to trap that ink in there quite like I hope I can. So, the point being, I'm now largely hesitant of buying T-shirts other than white ones or the obligatory layering kind. That was, of course, until I stumbled on these. The shirts are part of a little something called the yellow bird project. The process is simple.
Step 1: Project picks band.
Step 2: Band makes shirt.
Step 3: Band picks charity.
Step 4: Person buys sweet shirt.
Step 5: Project donates proceeds to charity.
The shirts aren't the cheapest (they'll run you 25$ large plus shipping), but you can rest your weary soul easily tonight knowing that in exchange for a particular shirt, you donated roughly 15$-20$ to a deserving charity. All in, there's about 20 shirts for sale currently. Each shirt's proceeds go to a different charity. So your choice is doubly difficult; you can pick the coolest shirt or you can pick the most deserving charity. The choice is yours! At any rate, my two favorite shirts (and coincidentally two of my favorite charities of those available) are from the New Pornographers and Bon Iver, on the right and left above, respectively. All shirts are American Apparel 50/50s, so guaranteed to fit nice and feel nice too. Keep track of the happenings at yellow bird project's website for new shirts as they are announced and be sure to hit up the free download of the Tallest Man on Earth's Field of Birds, a fantastic get.

View available products from yellowbirdproject.
Download free song from Tallest Man on Earth at bottom of page.


  1. Haha I see you were still wanting these shirts in February. Did you ever get them?

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